Profile PictureSenorCrouch

Build-A-Fursona: Canine Ref Base

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Build-A-Fursona: Canine Ref Base


Welcome to Build-A-Fursona Ref Bases!

With my easy to use, easy to color ref bases, you will have a brand new fursona in no time! Open up the READ ME file to get a short overview of how to quickly splash color onto the base without having to worry about staying in the lines! My bases are specially designed that the color magically stays in the linework, even if your brush doesn't!

Open the PSD file in Photoshop, GIMP, Krita, or any other art program that opens up Photoshop files!  Color on the layer named "SONA COLOR".  Then splash color onto the "SWATCHES" layer! Just make sure not to color on the Image Masks!

What's Included:

- 1 Photoshop File - PSD

- 1 READ ME Text File

Terms of Use

- Do not redistribute these assets! Please refer any interested friends or parties to this page!

- You can:

  • Edit the Linework
  • Change the Color
  • Use for personal use or use for adopts
  • Sell custom base-fills/retextures

- You cannot:

  • Remove the base's credit or watermark at the bottom
  • Repost/Redistribute the PSD File
  • Sell my PSD File in any way
  • Use as AI Art or NFTs
  • Claim as your own

- For use in any other commercial use projects outside of streaming and YouTube videos, please contact me.

- While not required, if you'd like to credit me it would be greatly appreciated! Lots of love and thank you's in advance!

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1 PSD File and 1 "How To Use" TXT File

5000px x 3500px; 300dpi
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