SAMMI Button: Hex to OBS Color Converter
Pulling your hair out trying to figure out how to have SAMMI change colors on a Source in OBS? Never fear this Sen-Custom SAMMI Button is here! This is a simple tool that will turn any Hex Color into OBS' unusual ABGR Color format. Simply put your Hex Color in the appropriate slot within the Button's commands. Hit "Save" and then "Run" to have the Button convert the Color and automatically save it to your clipboard to paste where ever needed!
Green Buttons: Requires User Input
- These buttons require some user edits in order for them to start working properly!
- Double click on these buttons to get started.
- Simply read the Green Comments and follow the easy to follow instructions to get everything set up!
NOTE: This Color Converter Tool comes with my SAMMI Deck: The Basics asset. If you already have that asset downloaded then you already have this tool at your disposal!
How do you add all this to your SAMMI? Simple! Open up the text file found in this asset pack, copy everything in the text file. Open up SAMMI, go into a Deck, right-click an empty space, and select "Import from JSON". Done!
New to SAMMI, check out their site here:
What's Included:
- SAMMI Button - Hex to ABGR Color Converter.txt
- READ ME - Installation.txt
All my SAMMI assets are free, but if they have helped out, consider tipping. It'll go along way in helping me produce more free assets!
While not required, if you'd like to credit me in your Twitch Panels or YouTube description, it would be greatly appreciated! Lots of love and thank you's in advance!
1 Custom SAMMI Button